Оn the 2nd and 3rd of February, 2017 in Amor Restaurant in Kochani, FYROM, Summer Work and Travel Alumni (SWTA) Macedonia had the pleasure of hosting an Erasmus+ “Sport for All” Round table. The goal of the 2-day event was to discuss, brainstorm, and develop viable methods to increase sports capacities in Kochani. Participants came from all sectors and backgrounds with the single intention of working together to help their community. Lively discussion took place over the two days and participants were able to network with individuals who they may not have come into regular contact. As a capstone of the event, participants in groups focused their skills and knowledge in five relevant subtopics: Scouts and European Volunteers, Sports and Multiculturalism, Alternative Financing for Sports Clubs, Stimulating Youth Interest in Mainstream Sports, and Specialized Education for Sports Stakeholders. This event was one part of the Erasmus+ funded project, Sport for All, which is composed of 10 organizations from 7 countries. The main goal of this activity is to raise the public institutions awareness of sport and physical activities as an effective instrument for improving the social capital of the EU.

Here is the link of the video: