SPORT FOR ALL Project, Bulgarian Sports Federation for Children Deprived of Parental Care

The project is implemented in accordance with AGREEMENT № 2015 – 3581 / 001 – 001


Bulgarian Sports Federation for Children Deprived of Parental Care has the pleasure to invite you to attend ADAPTED PHYSICAL AND SPORTS ACTIVITIES Transnational Training, Activity 3, Task 2 under SPORT FOR ALL Project.

Day 1. Registration. Main principles and best practices for development and promotion of adapted physical activities and sport in mass kindergartens, schools and social care institutions – Part 1. Elaboration and demonstration trainings on adapted sports.  Day 2. Main principles and best practices for development and promotion of adapted physical activities and sport in mass kindergartens, schools and social care institutions – Part 2; Demonstration of videos of successful adapted sport achievements at national and transnational level. Basic principles/approaches and best practices in the design of adapted physical and sport activities in  mass schools, kindergartens and social care institutions. Day 3. The new EU common reference for disabilities and accessible environment. Methods for hidden disadvantages identification and combating through adapted sport and physical activities. Day 4. Psychological training of the participants in the adapted sport events. Collaboration session – New ideas and projects for more adapted sport and physical activities at national. and transnational scale. Day 5. The aspects of disability and best practices for social inclusion of youth with disabilities in adapted sport and physical activities. Partnership match-making session. Management of adapted physical activities and sport forums. Techniques for networking and effective dialogues with stakeholders for more adapted sport events and forums in the issue. Day 6. Organization of the learning and training process at schools, kindergartens and social care institutions for adapted sport events and physical activities. Individual counseling, group trainings or discussion panels. Departure.

Guest lecturers from: Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, Portugal, Turkey and FYROM


PERIOD: 7-12 October 2016

For participants, who do not live in Sofia, we provide: organized transport and accommodation. Please do not hesitate to contact the project team for more information and organization of your stay and participation. Participation in all events organized under the project is free. We provide the necessary specialized support for participants with disadvantages or special dietary restrictions.