SPORT FOR ALL Project, Bulgarian Sports Federation for Children Deprived of Parental Care

The project is implemented in accordance with AGREEMENT № 2015 – 3581 / 001 – 001

In the period 6 – 11 June 2016, Bulgarian Sports Federation for Children Deprived of Parental Care held Interactive sports trainings under the motto ‘Transition cannot be a stop for sports’ / Activity 2, Task 3 under SPORT FOR ALL Project. The event was a specialized training for activating the collaboration between stakeholders for more sports activities involving children from social care institutions and young people at risk. Trainings provided opportunity to learn about innovative approaches for cooperation among the NGOs, social care institutions and local authorities for the development of more sports activities for youth from social care institutions.

Guest lecturers were: sport experts, sport managers, psychological counsels, and representatives of: social care institutions, NGOs, education and local authorities.

Lecturers from: Romania, Turkey and Portugal

Place: Sandy Beach Hotel, Albena Resort, Bulgaria




Dynamic Development Association /TURKEY/