SPORT FOR ALL Project, Bulgarian Sports Federation for Children Deprived of Parental Care

The project is implemented in accordance with AGREEMENT № 2015 – 3581 / 001 – 001



Bulgarian Sports Federation for Children Deprived of Parental Care has the pleasure to invite you to participate in TRANSNATIONAL CAMP FOR SPORT VOLUNTEERS. It will be a camp, which will be organized for any individual and stakeholder representative, who is interested to learn the practical opportunities and benefits for sport volunteering, to inform about the necessary training and specific requirements –which may vary among countries, and events at local, national and international level. Lecturers with experience in the organization of voluntary sport activities will be invited.

The sample schedule of the camp will be:

Day 1. Welcome speech and presentation of the project and the benefits from participation or organization of voluntary sport and physical activity events or initiatives. Day 2. SPORTs for volunteers. Experts in the field will deliver lectures on the best practices and the opportunities for sports volunteering, and the benefits from participation in grassroots events and regular sport and physical activity. Day 3. A sport walk – a joint seaside walk with demonstrations of variety of individual and collective sports, healthy holiday sport routine. /or work meetings – for participants with mature initiatives for sport volunteering to the municipalities in Dobrich/or Balchik – for discussion of their ideas for transnational sport projects for volunteers and effective dialogue/ Day 4. Sports against violence. Practical counseling on participants interested to use the sport as a tool for social inclusion, prevention of discrimination and etc. Case studies, discussions and match-making sessions or visits to the local sport school/or social care institution or mass school – depending on the project ideas and the needs and interests of the participants.  Day 5. Voluntary sport events – the basics. Practical advice from the experts for the opportunities and the organization of sport events at different EU countries. Transnational voluntary sport projects and initiatives. Day 6. Fundraising and management of voluntary sport events. Transnational match-making sessions. Day 7. Management and cooperation for more sports – in the business, physical activity, interaction with public authorities for better coordination and good governance in sports. Sport ethics. Day 8. Sport for all. Trainings for organization of voluntary events with more active involvement of people with disabilities and considering the balance of sexes in sports. Marketing volunteering in sports. Day 9. Collaboration/Match-making sessions and individual counseling – for more transnational  sport voluntary projects. Day 10. SPORT Volunteer – this can be your first career. Individual counseling with foreign experts. Counseling of the project ideas and initiatives developed. Charter for collaboration for sport volunteering.  Days 11-12 – SPORT Volunteer – this can be your first career – group trainings and interactive discussions. Matchmaking – on rotation principle. Motivation trainings and practical skills trainings to the participants depending on the role they have decided to take in the voluntary sport activities. In accordance with the participants preference they will participate in group trainings – for the basics – requirements, expectations and opportunities in front of the most traditional voluntary staff such as: Volunteer coach, Communications officer, Research assistant, Monitoring and evaluations specialist, Teacher. Day 13. Round table – volunteers in sport – with participation of the medias, professional sportsmen, or politicians, pop stars or influential public persons – VIP, representatives of Ministries, public authorities, the NGO sector and any other stakeholder including individuals. Sample schedule: The benefits of sport volunteering for the business. The benefits of the sport volunteering for the individuals. The benefits of sports and sport activities for local communities. /30 participants/, including some participated in the camp. Day 14. Departure.


PERIOD: 06-18 June 2016