On 10 March, 2016 at 18:30 in Strazhite Hotel in Bansko, Bulgarian Sports Federation for Children Deprived of Parental Care held an Opening conference under SPORT FOR ALL Project.
The project is implemented in accordance with AGREEMENT № 2015 – 3581 / 001 – 001 in partnership consortium of 8
countries and 12 partners. More information about partners in section: PARTNERS
Anatoli Iliev, the Chairman of the Management Board of the Bulgarian Sports Federation for Children Deprived of Parental Care, presented the ERASMUS + program, and funding opportunities for activities in the field of sport. Representatives of the partner ABAT – Macedonia took part in the conference. Attendees were acquainted with SPORT FOR ALL project, financed with the help of ERASMUS + program.
Partners, activities, experts in the team of the project and a calendar of upcoming events were presented. Opportunities for cooperation in the field of sport were discussed.
The event was attended by media, NGOs, representatives of educational and social institutions, public administrations and citizens.
This project has been funded with the support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.